Saturday, October 10, 2015

Copyright Law

What's the purpose of copyright law? The purpose of copyright law is to protect creators of works from their ideas being stolen. 

What can be copyrighted? Any original work of authorship which is fixed to a tangible medium of expression. 

How long can something be copyrighted for nowadays? Typically the run is 70 years.

How long could you copyright something for a long time ago? 95 years

What's the public domain? Public domain are items that can be copied and/or used publicly without permission. 

What is fair use? Fair use gives open access to copyrighted works. 

What reasons can you borrow something that's been copyrighted? Education and artistic purposes. 

What's the guidelines of fair use? purpose and character of use, nature of copyrighted work, amount and substantially, essentially are you using it for the proper purposes and to not make a profit or defame the work. 

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