Sunday, September 27, 2015

Search Engines


                                                          Search Engine Project
For this assignment I typed in the term: Star Trek the Motion Picture
Google: Google has organized search results on the right there is a little about the movie and on the left are results, it is very user friendly.
Bing: On the bing search engine, I am taken to a complex search page with small boxes at the bottom with current news. On the right there is a link to the trailer, the size of the fonts are smaller on the left.
Goodsearch: Is a search engine for charity. The layout seems a bit aged.
Teoma: A very busy search engine for the same topic.
Kids Click: No results for my search
Kid Rex: Very limited results, also, the layout looks like it is several years old.

Quintera: No results for my search.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Educ 512 Webquest


5th Grade American History American Revolution

Key Standards:

Explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text based on specific information in the text.

Analyze multiple accounts of the same event or topic, noting important similarities and differences in the point of view they represent.

5.7 Students describe the people and events associated with the development of the U.S. Constitution and analyze the Constitution's significance as the foundation of the American republic.

ISTE 5.5A Acquire information including text, audio, video, and graphics

Final Product:

Students will be able to create a powerpoint on an ipad that will showcase a founding father, present as that founding father, and show a different account of the same situation that founding father was involved in. 

Scoring Powerpoints

Thoughts: This is an interesting look into powerpoints and their creation. The author helps us explore the various rules surrounding the creation of proper powerpoints, that will not have the audience fall asleep or will not 'dumb' the audience down. The author uses the idea of "mentalsoftness" which, explores this notion. The author also employs many presentation suggestions such as good eye contact, etc.

Agree: I like the idea about having an organized and specific rubric for a powerpoint covering ideas like copyright, etc. Also, the students having a research log is an excellent idea. I also like the general overview of powerpoint 'rules of the road.'I also like how the author explores how some use powerpoints as the presentation and not merely a part of it.

Disagree: I disagree about the notion that the author shares regarding the powerpoints, that people who use them only explore absolutes. He mentioned the idea of the dam and how participants would only be able to answer the question of the dams in a yes/no and that gray areas are not explored. If a powerpoint is an element of the presentation and not the main driver, gray areas can and are explored and discussed in presentations.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Getting to Know You- 512

President Jimmy Carter

  • Who you are at home: Well, I am engaged to the beautiful Yesenia Guzman. When we are not out and about I enjoy working on my cars and traveling as well as meeting famous people! 
  • Who you are at school: I teach fifth grade full time and I am an adjunct Professor of History. I have a M.A. in History and have been invited to speak at the Nixon Library twice. I also have a multiple subject credential and am working on the MAEd. I am a published author with many articles and contributions to my credit. 
  • Who you are when you are out and about: I enjoy having fun! 
  • Tell me something unique that happened to you or that you do: Well, I grew up performing in my parent's magic show, appearing out of cages of fire on Norwegian Cruise Lines. 
  • I have traveled the world and met (and have taken pictures with!) many famous people including: President Carter, Secretary of State Madeline Albright, Speaker Gingrich, Vice President Cheney, Secretary Rumsfeld,  Governor Jerry Brown, William Shatner, Larry Hagman, Jay Leno, Leonard Nimoy, Mickey Rooney, the Cast of Star Trek the Next Generation and the list goes on and on and on! (I've met around 100 famous faces!) 

  • Jay Leno
    William Shatner